AA (arachidonic acid), 72
AAIM for cholesterol, 207
Accolate for asthma/atherosclerosis, 201
Acesulfame-K, 62, 64
Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) for brain function, 276
Acidity, 45–48, 46
Acrylamide, avoiding, 101
ACTH, 354
AD, 158, 161–62, 272, 295
Addiction, 362–63, 364–66
Adrenaline, 221, 355
Adrenal stress test, 283
AG1-1067 (experimental) for inflammation, 201
AGE formation, 127–29, 132, 330
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), 158–59, 332
Age reversal, 23, 24–27, 193
Aging, 128–29, 163, 196, 211, 212–13, 280–84, 355
AI. See Nanotechnology and artificial intelligence
ALC for brain function, 276
Alcohol, 100, 360–61, 360
Aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme, 318
Alkalinity, 45–48, 46, 47, 184, 184
Allergies, food, 92
Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency, 157
Alpha-linolenic acid, 69, 164
Alpha lipoic acid (LA), 184, 330
ALT-711 for stiffening of tissues, 132
Alternative medicine, 11
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), 158, 161–62, 272, 295
AMD, 158–59, 332
Amino acids, 82–83
Amylase enzyme, 53
Amylose, 53
Angina, 198, 199
Angiogenesis inhibitors, 240–41
Angioplasty, 198, 203, 231
Antioxidant enzymes, 315
Antioxidants, 236, 249, 314–16, 314–16
Apo A-I Milano (AAIM) for cholesterol, 207
Apolipoprotein E (Apo E), 156–59, 157, 162, 196, 271
Apoptosis, 21–22, 240–41
Appetite, suppressing, 116
Arachidonic acid (AA), 72
Arginine, 83, 335–36
Aricept for brain function, 278
Arimidex for lowering estrogen, 309
Artificial intelligence (AI). See Nanotechnology and artificial intelligence
Aspartame, 62
Aspirin, 203, 209, 223
Atherosclerosis, 8, 75, 198, 201
Atkins diet, 59, 101, 103
Autism, 271
Avandia for diabetes, 130
Balloon angioplasty, 198, 203, 231
BBB, 274–75
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), 307–8
Benzodiazepines, 361–63
BERT, 293, 297
Beta-carotene, 254, 324
Bile, 89
Biobots, 154–55
Biochemical individuality, 149
Biofeedback, 372
Bio-identical estrogen replacement therapy (BERT), 293, 297
Biology, human, 14, 27
BioMEMS, 28–29
Biopsies, knifeless, 248–49
Bioremediation, 188–89
Biotechnology, 8, 14–16 age reversal, 23, 24–27in cancer
prevention, 237 cloning technologies, 20–24, 81, 134 emerging
therapies, 26–27gene technologies and therapies, 16–19,
18 nanotechnology and artificial intelligence and, 14–15 recombinant
technology, 19–20
Black cohosh, 300
Blood, programmable, 29
Blood brain barrier (BBB), 274–75
Blood clots, 206, 209
Blood glucose levels, 10, 117–18, 133, 133, 137–38, 211,
Blood levels, optimal, 216
Blood pressure, 209, 211, 219–21
Blood tests, 92, 191, 239
Body fat, 112–13, 117. See also Weight loss
Body frame size, 108, 108
Bone strengthening exercises, 347
Bowel movement, 90
BPH, 307–8
BrainBrowser, 263
Brain function, 261–62
Alzheimer’s disease and, 272
brain tissue and, saving, 265–67
complexity of, 261
damage from surgery and, 230
ideas and, power of, 278–79
implantable systems and, 263
maintaining, 262, 264–65
health improvements, 273
lifestyle choices, 275–78
medications, 278
mental activity, 271–73
substance abuse and, avoiding, 273–75
methylation and, 174–75
nanobots and, 274–75
neural implants and, 274
stroke treatments and, new, 266
supplements for, 275–78
testing, 267–69, 268, 271
BRCA1 gene and breast cancer, 157
Bridges, 4, 15. See also Biotechnology;
Nanotechnology and artificial intelligence; Preventive medicine
B vitamins, 184, 325–26
Bypass surgery, 198, 203
Caffeine, 97, 100, 194, 361
Calcium scores, 207–8, 208, 214
Calorie restriction (CR), 115–20, 121, 122, 211, 218–19
Calories, 118, 120, 122, 344, 345, 346
Cancer, 233–34, 235, 236
angiogenesis inhibitors and, 240–41
biopsies, knifeless, 248–49
breast, 157, 238, 295
carbohydrates and, 58–59
cervical, 238
colon, 90
colorectal, 238
free radicals and, 234
inflammation and, 163–64
nanosurgery and, 252–53
ovarian, 295
pesticides and, 246–47
preventing, 237, 248–50, 244, 252–54, 303
prostate, 238
Ray & Terry’s Longevity Program and, 236
recovery from, 245
skin, 246
smoking and, 247
stealth delivery of drugs and, 251
sugar and, 245
testing, 238–43
vaccines, 237
weight and, 247
Carbohydrates, 9, 50–51, 55, 56–57
cancer and, 58–59
fiber and, 53
glycemic index and, 54–55, 57
heart disease and, 58
intake of, 51–53, 52, 57–62, 60, 61, 63, 113
starch blockers and, 60
sweeteners and, alternative, 62, 64
TMS and, 49–50, 58
type 2 diabetes and, 9, 49–50, 58
weight loss and, 58
Cardiovascular disease, 161, 175–76. See also Heart disease
Carnitine, 196
Carnosine, 331
CDSA, 91–92
CEE, 293
Celebrex, 168
Cell phones and electromagnetic pollution, 187
aging and, 196
atrophy and loss of, 26–27
death of, 21–22, 240–41
germ line, 21
intelligent, 32
senescence, 25
stem, 22–24, 23, 26
CERT, 293–96, 294
Chelating agents, 196
Chemically altered estrogen replacement therapy (CERT), 293–96,
Chemoprevention, 248–50, 252–54
Chitosan, 122
Chlorine, 184–85
Cholesterol levels
dietary fat and, 75–80
heart disease and, 211, 213–18
high-density lipoprotein and, 10, 123, 202, 207, 215
low-density lipoprotein and, 200, 201, 202, 204, 207, 215, 219
preventing high, 207, 215, 218
public health recommendations for, 9–10
sex hormones and, 75
triglycerides and, 74, 77, 213–18
Chrysin, 309
Chyme, 89–90
Clomiphene (Clomid) for raising testosterone, 309–11
Cloning technologies, 20–24, 81, 131
Coenzyme Q10, 196, 250, 328–29
Coffee, 97, 100
Colonoscopy, 238, 241–42
Comprehensive digestive stool analysis (CDSA), 91–92
Computer tomography (CT) scans, 239–42
Conjugated equine estrogen (CEE), 293
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), 222
Conventional medicine, 7, 11
Cortisol, 281–84, 354–55
Coumadin for preventing blood clots, 209
CP-105,696 for inflammation, 201
CPAP, 222
CR, 115–20, 121, 122, 211, 218–19
C-reactive protein (CRP), 169–70, 170, 211,
Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, 78
CRP, 169–70, 170, 211, 218–19
CT scans, 239–42
Curcumin, 250
CYP2D6 (toxin), 153
Cysteine, 83
Cytochrome 2D6 (toxin), 153
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), 285–86, 285
Dementia, 158, 162
Dental health and inflammation, 168
Detoxification, 184
genes for determining, 157
methylation and, 174
nanobots and, 192–93
toxins and, 184, 192–93
DGLA, 72, 165
DHA, 70, 166, 253–54, 277
DHEA, 285–86, 285
DHT, 307–8
Diabetes, 130–32, 136. See also Type 2 diabetes
inflammation and, 162–63
testing, 10, 129, 132–34
treating, 130–32
type 1, 131
Diet. See also Food; Nutrition
in cancer prevention, 243–45, 244
carbohydrates in modern, 51–53
detoxification and, 184
dietary fat in modern, 65–66
for digestive health, 96–97, 100–101, 102
ethnic, 244–45, 244
exercise and, 352
fiber in, 53, 75
high cholesterol prevention, 215
inflammation prevention, 166–67
protein in, 83–84
Ray & Terry’s Longevity Program and, 103–4
recommendations for healthy, 8–9, 96–97, 100–101,
in stress management, 366
type 2 diabetes and, 9
Dietary fat, 51, 66–68, 69
cholesterol levels and, 75–80
fat blockers and, 122
future of, 81
hydrogenation and, 75
inflammation and, 65–66, 68–69
intake of, 65–66, 76–78, 80, 113
monounsaturated, 73, 79
olive oil and, 74, 79
omega-3, 65, 67, 68–69, 81, 164–66, 164
omega-6, 65, 68–69, 164
pathological, 73–75
polyunsaturated, 68, 79
saturated, 73–75
starches and, 77
sugar and, 77
trans-fatty acid, 68
triglycerides and, 74, 77
unsaturated, 67–73, 70, 71
Dieting, 107, 113. See also Weight loss
Digestion, 85–86, 87, 88–91
acrylamide and, avoiding, 101
Atkins diet and, 101, 103
bile and, 89
bowel movement and, 90
chyme and, 89–90
diet for healthy, 96–97, 100–101, 102
food labels and, 103
gastric juice and, 86
Harvard Medical School food pyramid and, 104–5, 105
indigestion and, 88
irritable bowel syndrome, 94–95
leaky gut syndrome, 93–94
nanobots and, 98–99, 329
organic whole food and, 95–96
Ornish diet and, 103
Pritikin’s diet and, 103
Ray & Terry’s Food Pyramid and, 106, 106
sugar and, 101
testing, 91–93
USDA food pyramid and, 104–6, 104
Digital rectal examination, 238
Dihomogamma-linolenic acid (DGLA), 72, 165
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), 307–8
Disaccharides, 52–53
Disease, 6–8, 8, 12–13. See also specific types
cloning and, 23
gene therapy and, 17–19
genomics and, 148, 150–51, 150, 154–55
intelligent cells and, 32
methylation and, 174
mutations, 25
nanoparticles and, 154–55
protein and, 80
repair, 118
structure of, 150–51, 150
Docosahexaneoic acid (DHA), 70, 166, 253–54, 277
Donazepril for brain function, 278
Dopamine, 189, 364
DR-70 tumor marker, 239
ECG, 179, 225–27
EECP, 228
EFAs, 69, 164, 164, 170–71, 328
EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), 244, 250
Eicosanoids, 328
Eicosapentaneoic acid (EPA), 70, 165–66, 253–54, 277
869682 (clinical trial drug) as starch blocker,
Electrocardiogram (ECG), 179, 225–27
Enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP), 228
Enzymes, 53, 314–16, 318
EPA, 70, 165–66, 253–54, 277
Epinephrine, 355
Equal (artificial sweetener), 62
Erythropoietin, 20
Essential fatty acids (EFAs), 69, 164, 164, 170–71, 328
Estradiol, 297–98
Estriol, 297–98
fractions, 297–98
for men, 298–99, 301
metabolites, 297–98
testosterone and, 309–11
for women, 292–98, 301
Eustress, 354
Event monitoring of heart disease, 227
Exanta for blood clots, 209
Exenatide, 52, 130
Exercise, 337–39, 343, 348–50
aerobic, 339–40, 344–48
anaerobic, 350–51
artificial platelets and, 345
bicycling, 348
bone-strengthening, 347
calories burned by, 344, 345, 346
in cancer prevention, 246
cross-country skiing, 348
detoxification and, 184
diet and, 352
heart disease and, 211, 221
inflammation prevention, 167
injury-free, 349
maximum heart rate and, 339
paralysis and, 342
resistance, 134, 136
running, 345
safety precautions for, 340–41
in stress management, 366
stress test, 10, 228
stretching, 343, 351–52
swimming, 346
target pattern of, 343
walking, 344, 345
weight loss and, 114–15
weight-training tips, 351
Fasting blood sugar test, 10, 133, 133, 211, 219
Fat. See Body fat; Dietary fat
Fatty streaks, 204, 205
Fecal occult blood testing, 238
Fiber, 53, 75, 95, 113
Fibrinogen, 223
Fibrous cap, 205, 205
Fight-or-flight mechanism, 354–55
Finasteride for benign prostatic hypertrophy, 307–8
FIRKO (Fat-specific Insulin Receptor Knock Out), 117, 121
First Bridge, 4, 15. See also Preventive medicine
Fish, 190, 190, 244
Fluoride, 184
fMRI, 267–69, 268
Foam cells, 204
Folic acid, 9, 177, 252–53
Food, 42–43. See also Diet; Nutrition; specific types
chemicals used in growing, 96, 186
genetically modified, 20, 314–15
labels, reading, 103
organic whole, 95–96, 185–86
pollution, 185–86, 186
stress and, 359–60
480848 for inflammation, 201
Free radicals, 48, 118, 234, 236, 313–16
Fructose, 51, 54
Fruits, 185–86, 186
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 267–69, 268
G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase) enzyme, 318
Galida for diabetes, 130
Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), 71–72, 165
Garlic, 333–34
Gastric juice, 86
Gender differences, 212–13, 211, 356–57
Gendicine for apoptosis, 241
“Gene chip,” 27
Genes, 16–19, 18, 20, 152–53, 157, 314–15
ACE, 157
AGT, 157
Apo E, 156–59, 157, 162, 196, 271
AT1R, 157
BRCA1, 157
dopamine-receptor D2, 274
eNOS, 212
GSTM1, 156, 157, 242–43
hTERT, 222
PAI-1, 212
PCG1-alpha and PCG1-beta, 130
TP53, 243
Genomics, 4, 146, 149
DNA and, 148, 150–51, 150, 154–55
gene comparisons and, 152–53
Human Genomics Project and, 147–48
predictive, 148, 151–53
testing, 154–59, 194
brain function, 269, 271
cancer, 242–43
inflammation, 171
methylation, 178–79
SNPs and, 157
supplements, 316–18, 317
Genzodiazepines and stress, 361–63
Geobacter sulfurreducens, 188
Germ line cells, 21
GH, 286–88
G-I, 54–55, 57
Gingivitis, 224
Ginkgo biloba, 276–77
GL, 56, 57, 113
GLA, 71–72, 165
Glucose, 51, 54–55, 77, 83, 126
Glucose tolerance tests, 10, 133–34, 133
Gluten, 84
Glyburide, 49
Glycemic index (G-I), 54–55, 57
Glycemic load (GL), 56, 57, 113
Glycerol, 66
Glyset as starch blocker, 60, 122, 138
Grapeseed proanthocyanidin extract (GSPE), 329–30
GSTM1 genes, 156, 157, 242–43
Gugulipid for cholesterol, 216
Gum disease and heart disease, 224
Hair mineral analysis, 191
Harvard Medical School food pyramid, 104–5, 105
HDL, 10, 123, 202, 207, 215
Health professionals, partnering with, 11–12
Heart attack, 8, 199–200, 202
Heart disease. See also Cardiovascular disease
aging and, 212–13, 211
angina and, 198, 199
artificial platelets and, 226–27
aspirin and, 203, 209
baldness and, male-pattern, 224
blood clots and, 209
blood pressure and, 211, 219–21
calcium scores and, 207–8, 208, 214
carbohydrates and, 58
chemically altered estrogen replacement therapy and, 295
cholesterol levels and, 211, 213–18
C-reactive protein and, 211, 218–19
diagnosis of, 225, 228–29
end of, 231–32
exercise and, 211, 221
fibrinogen and, 223
gender and, 212–13, 211
gum disease and, 224
hard plaque and, 206, 208–10
heart regeneration and, 222–23
heart replacement and, 229
homocysteine levels and, 211, 218
hypothyroidism and, 224–25
incidence of, 197
inflammation and, 199–200, 201, 202
iron in blood and, 224
new understanding of, 199–200, 202–3
old understanding of, 197–99
risk factors, 202, 211–12, 211, 210–25
sleep apnea and, 221–22
smoking and, 211, 213
soft plaque and, 203–6, 205, 206
stress and, 211, 221, 357
testing, 227
testosterone and, 306–7
enhanced external counterpulsation, 228
invasive, 228–31, 230
medications, 198
noninvasive, 225–27
type A personality and, 221
type D personality and, 221
weight and, 211, 213
Heart regeneration, 222–23
Heart replacement, 229
Heavy metals, 188–91
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), 88, 93
Hemochromatosis, 224
High blood pressure, 8, 219
High-density lipoprotein (HDL), 10, 123, 202, 207, 215
Histidine, 83
Holter monitoring of heart disease, 227
Homocysteine levels, 10–11, 221
heart disease and, 211, 218
methylation and, 173, 176–78, 178, 179
Homocysteine stress test, 178–80
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), 291, 294
chemically altered, 293–96, 294
Hormones, 288. See also Sex hormones
aging and, 280–84
anabolic, 280–81
bio-identical, 297
catabolic, 280–81
nematodes and, 284
steroid, 282, 282
stress, 281–84, 354–55
thyroid, 224–25
of youth, 285–90, 285
Houseplants for reducing toxins, 182
H. pylori, 88, 93
HRT. See Hormone replacement therapy
Human Genomics Project, 147–48
Human growth hormone (GH), 286–88
Human somatic cell engineering, 22–24
Hyperinsulinemia, 134
Hypertension, 8, 219
Hypochlorhydria, 88, 92
Hypothyroidism, 224–25
I3C, 332–33
IBS, 94–95
Illegal drugs
addiction and, 362–63, 364–66
avoiding abuse of, 273–75, 364–66
Imaging scans, 203, 225–26, 239–42, 267–69, 268
Implantable systems, 209, 263
Indigestion, 88
Indole-3-carbinol (I3C), 332–33
Inflammation, 160
acute, 160–61
Alzheimer’s disease and, 161–62
cancer and, 163–64
cardiovascular disease and, 161
chronic, 160–61
dental health and, 168
diabetes and, 162–63
dietary fat and, 65–66, 68–69
diet in preventing, 166–67
exercise in preventing, 167
heart disease and, 199–200, 201, 202
lifestyle choices in preventing, 166–67
medications, 167–69, 201
obesity and, 112
preventive medicine and, 166–67, 201
prostaglandins and, 164–66
Ray & Terry’s Longevity Program and, 160–61
stress and, 167
testing, 169–71
weight loss in preventing, 167
Insulin, 126–27, 129, 132–34, 211, 219, 281, 283–84
Insulin challenge test, 10, 134
Intelligent cells, 32
Intelligent Pill (iPill) for treating diabetes, 132
Intrinsic factor (protein), 86, 177
Iron in blood, 224, 268
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 94–95
Isoleucine, 83
Ketone bodies, 77
Kidney failure and nanotechnology, 192–93
LA (alpha lipoic acid), 184, 330
Lactase, 52–53, 89
Lactose, 53
Lactose intolerance, 89, 92–93
LA (linolenic acid), 69, 71, 164
Laser light surgery, 31
LDL, 200, 201, 202, 204, 207, 215, 219
Leaky gut syndrome, 93–94
Leucine, 83
Leukotrienes, 201
Libido, 306
Life expectancy, 4–5, 24, 107, 127
Lifestyle choices
brain function and, maintaining, 275–78
in cancer prevention, 246–47
detoxification and, 184
in inflammation prevention, 166–67
Linolenic acid (LA), 69, 71, 164
Lipitor for cholesterol, 207
Liver failure and nanotechnology, 193
Longevity, 3–5, 7–8, 157. See also Ray & Terry’s
Longevity Program
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), 200, 201, 202, 204, 207, 215, 219
Lutein, 331–32
Lycopene, 245, 333
Lysine, 83
M2A gut cam, 88
Magnesium, 184
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 267
Mammogram, 238
Massage, 370
Maximum heart rate, 339
Medications. See also specific types
baldness, 224
benign prostatic hypertrophy, 307–8
blood glucose levels and, 137–38
brain function, 278
cholesterol, 207, 218
heart disease, 198
inflammation, 167–69, 201
plastic polymer spheres for inhaling, 26
stealth delivery of, 251
Meditation, 372–76
Melanoma, 246
Melatonin, 250, 252, 289–90, 368
Menopausal symptoms, 293, 294, 300, 303
Mental activity. See Brain function
Mercury, 189–90, 190
Messenger RNA (mRNA), 17, 150–51
Metabolic rate, 115
Metabolic syndrome, 49–50, 58, 127–28, 134, 136–38
Metformin for type 2 diabetes, 138
Methionine, 83, 179
Methylation, 172, 174–76
brain function and, 174–75
cardiovascular disease and, 175–76
detoxification and, 174
DNA and, 174
homocysteine levels and, 173, 176–78, 178, 179
supplements and, 177–78
testing, 178–80
Methyl mercury, 189–90
Microarrays, 152–53
Milk thistle, 184
Minerals, 326–28. See also specific types; Supplements
Misformed proteins, 189, 195–96
Mitochondrial mutations, 25–26
Modafinil for brain function, 278
MRI, 267
mRNA, 17, 150–51
MTHFR (methylenetetra-hydrofolate reductase) enzyme, 156, 180, 212,
N-acetylcysteine (NAC), 184
NADH, 196
Nanobots, 1–3, 2
blood brain barrier and, 274–75
brain function and, 274–75
detoxification, 192–93
digestion and, 98–99, 329
organs and, 288
red blood cells and, artificial, 226–27
weight loss and, 108
Nanometer, remotely guided, 2
Nanopower, 29–30
Nanosurgery, 30–31, 252–53
Nanotechnology and artificial intelligence (AI), 27–28. See also
age reversal and, 193
bioMEMS, 28–29
biotechnology and, 14–15
blood, programmable, 29
bones and, 347
continual monitoring, 30
diabetes cure and, 136
intelligent cells, 32
kidney failure and, 192–93
liver failure and, 193
nanopower, 29–30
nanosurgery, 30–31, 252–53
Nematodes, 284
Neural implants, 274–75
Nicotine. See Smoking
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 93–94, 163, 167–68
Noradrenaline, 355
Norepinephrine, 355
Nucleotides, 150
Nutrasweet, 62
Nutrition, 42, 100. See also Diet; Food
OA, 73, 79
Obesity and inflammation, 112
Oleic acid (OA), 73, 79
Olive oil, 74, 79
Omega-3 fats, 65, 67, 68–69, 81, 164–66, 164
Omega-6 fats, 65, 68–69, 164
Optimal nutritional allowances (ONA) system, 320–22
Ornish diet, 66, 103
Osteoporosis, 294–95, 303, 307
Pactimibe for inflammation, 201
Palmitoleic acid (POA), 73
Pap smears, 238
Paralysis and exercise, 342
Parkinson’s disease, 189
Peptides, 17
Periodontal disease and heart disease, 224
Pesticides, 185–86, 186, 246–47, 301
P-glycoprotein, 241
Pharms, 20
Phenacyldimenthylthiazolium chloride for stiffening of tissues, 132
Phenylalanine, 82
pH levels, 45–48, 46, 47, 86
Phosphatidylcholine (PtC), 217, 277–78
Phosphatidylserine, 276
Plant sterols, 216–17
amyloid, 195–96
hard, 206, 208–10
heart attacks and, 199–200, 202
rupture of, 206, 206
sleep apnea and, 221
soft, 203–6, 205, 206
Plastics, avoiding exposure to, 302
Platelets, artificial, 226–27, 342
POA, 73
Policosanol, 215–16
air, 182–83, 183
electromagnetic, 186–87
environmental, 185
food, 185–86, 186
heavy-metal, 188–91
water, 183–85
Polysaccharides, 51, 53
PPAR alpha agonist for cholesterol, 207
Precose as starch blocker, 60, 122, 138
Predictive genomics, 148, 151–53
Predisposition to disease, 149
Pregneneolone for brain function, 277
Prehypertension, 219
Premarin for estrogen replacement, 293
Preventive medicine, 7
cancer, 241, 243–45, 246, 303
inflammation, 166–67
Prion diseases, 189
Pritikin’s diet, 66, 103
Proanthocyanidins, 329–30
Profiling, genetic, 152–53
Progesterone, 302–4, 302, 304
Propecia for baldness, 224
Proscar for benign prostatic hypertrophy, 307–8
Prostaglandins and inflammation, 164–66
Protein, 51, 80, 82
amino acids and, 82–83
diets high in, 83–84
DNA and, 80
intrinsic factor, 86, 177
MIGF-1, 23
misformed, 189, 195–96
recommendations for, 84
soy, 84
wheat, 84
Protofibrils, 195–96
Provigil for brain function, 278
PSA levels, 238, 308, 311
PtC, 217, 277–78
Public health recommendations, 8–10
Pyridinols, 314–15
Quantum dots, 155
Ray & Terry’s 12-Point Program for stress management, 366–72
Ray & Terry’s food pyramid, 106, 106
Ray & Terry’s Longevity Program, 6, 6–7, 11, 123
Bridges in, 4, 15
cancer and, 236
diet and, 103–4
health professionals and, partnering with, 11–12
inflammation and, 160–61
misleading ideas about health and,
personal programs
Ray, 139–45
Terry, 255–60
personal stories
Ray, 33–37
Terry, 37–41
RDA system, 9, 312, 320–22
Recombinant technology, 19–20
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
system, 9, 312, 320–22
Red blood cells, artificial, 226–27
Relaxation response, 371
Resveratrol, 331
Reversine, 26
RNA, 17, 23, 28, 80, 151, 153
ROS, 329
Rosiglitazone for diabetes, 130
Saccharin, 62
Saw palmetto, 333
Schizophrenia, 271
Second Bridge, 4, 15. See also Biotechnology
Selective hormone receptor modulators (SERMs), 298
Selenium, 95, 184, 249–50
Self-exam of breasts, 238
SERMs, 298
Sex hormones, 291–92, 294
bio-identical estrogen replacement therapy and, 297
chemically altered HRT and, 294
cholesterol and, 75
for men, 298–99, 301
for women, 292–98, 301
progesterone, 302–5, 302, 304
selective hormone receptor modulators and, 298
for men, 306–11, 308, 310
for women, 304, 306, 310
virtual, 305
xenoestrogens, 300–302, 332
Sigmoidoscopy, 238
Silymarin for detoxification, 184
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 151–53, 156, 157
Singulair for asthma/atherosclerosis, 201
677CÆT polymorphism, 180
Sleep apnea, 221–22
Sleep in stress management, 367–68
Smoking, 211, 213, 247, 360
Snacks, avoiding unhealthful, 100
SNPs, 151–53, 156, 157
Soft drinks, 46
Somatic gene therapy, 17–18
Soy, 84, 244, 300
Splenda, 64, 122
Starch blockers, 52, 60, 120, 122
Starches and dietary fat, 77
Stealth delivery of drugs, 251
Stem cells, 22–24, 23, 26
Stents, arterial, 203, 231
Steroid hormones, 282, 282
Stevia, 64, 122
Stool evaluations, 91–92
Stress, 353–55, 355, 358–59, 358
addiction and, 362–63, 364–66
aging and, 355
alcohol and, 360–61, 360
benzodiazepines, 361–63
caffeine and, 361
food and, 359–60
four Cs and, 357–58
gender and, 356–57
genzodiazepines and, 361–63
heart disease and, 211, 221, 357
homocysteine levels and, 221
hormones, 281–84, 354–55
inflammation and, 167
biofeedback, 372
creating good life, 373
diet, 366
exercise, 366
false, 359–63, 360
living life more fully, 365
massage, 370
meditation, 372–76
Ray & Terry’s 12-Point Program,
relaxation response, 371
sleep, 367–68
time management, 368–69
visualization, 372
yoga, 372
smoking and, 360
type A personality and, 221, 356
Stroke treatments, new, 266
Sucralose, 64, 122
Sucrase, 52
Sugar, 124, 125, 125
AGE formation and, 127–29, 132
aging and, 128–29, 163
cancer and, 245
diabetes research and, 130–32
dietary fat and, 77
digestion and, 101
insulin and, 126–27, 129, 132–34
life expectancy and, 127
testing, 129, 132–34
TMS and, 127–28, 134, 136–38
type 2 diabetes and, 134, 136–38
Sunett (artificial sweetener), 62, 64
Supplements, 312–13, 320, 322–24. See also specific types
antioxidants and, 314–16, 314–16
blood sugar level and, 136–37
brain function, 275–78
current thoughts on, 318–19
detoxification and, 184
enzymes and, 314–16
free radicals and, 313–16
genomic testing and, 316–18, 317
for high cholesterol prevention, 215
lipid levels and, 215, 217
methylation and, 177–78
multiflora, 92
nutrition and, 100
optimal nutritional allowances and, 320–22
recommendations for, 334–35
Recommended Dietary Allowances and, 312, 320–22
sleep-inducing, 367–68
specific, 331–36
supernutrient, 328–31
universal, 324–28
Surgery, 31, 198, 203, 230
Sweeteners, alternative, 62, 64
Syndrome X, 49–50, 58, 127–28, 134, 136–38
Tea, 97, 100
Technology, 3, 5. See also Biotechnology; Nanotechnology and artificial
cloning, 20–24, 81, 131
emerging, 26–27
gene, 16–19, 18
Terbutryn, 96
Tesaglitazar (experimental) for diabetes, 130
Testing. See also Genomics, testing; specific tests
brain function, 267–69, 268, 271
cancer, 238–43
Testing (cont.)
diabetes, 10, 129, 132–34
digestion, 91–93
dynamic versus static, 10–11
heart disease, 227
inflammation, 169–71
methylation, 178–80
sugar and insulin, 10, 129, 132–34
toxins, 191–94
Testosterone, 308
dihydrotestosterone and, 307–8
estrogen and, 309–11
heart disease and, 306–7
insulin and, 138
for men, 306–11, 308, 310
for women, 304, 306, 310
Third Bridge, 4, 15. See also Nanotechnology and artificial intelligence
Threonine, 83
Thyroid hormones, 224–25
Tissue factor, 206
T-lymphocytes, 241
TMS (metabolic syndrome), 49–50, 58, 127–28, 134, 136–38
Tobacco. See Smoking
Toxins, 181–82, 191–94
air pollution, 182–83, 183
bioremediation and, 188–89
chemicals used in growing foods, 96,
colon cancer and, 90
CYP2D6 (Cytochrome 2D6), 153
detoxification and, 184, 192–93
electromagnetic pollution, 186–87
environmental pollution, 185
fat-soluble, 191, 194
food pollution, 185–86, 186
heavy-metal pollution, 188–91
houseplants in reducing, 182
misformed proteins and, 195–96
prion diseases and, 189
sick building syndrome and, 183
water pollution, 183–85
TPLSM, 269
Trans-fatty acid, 68
Triglycerides, 74, 77, 213–18
Tryptophan, 82
Two-photon laser scanning microscopy (TPLSM), 269
Type 1 diabetes, 131
Type 2 diabetes, 9, 130, 134, 136–38
carbohydrates and, 9, 49–50, 58
sugar and, 134, 136–38
weight loss in preventing, 134
Type A personality, 221, 356
Type D personality, 221
Tyrosine, 83
Urine provocation test, 191
USDA food pyramid, 8, 104–6, 104
Vaccines for cancer, 237
Valine, 83
Vegetable juice, 97, 244
Vegetables, 97, 113, 185–86, 186, 300
Vinpocetine, 276, 336
Vioxx, 168
Visualization, 372
Vitamin A, 324
Vitamin C, 184, 248–49, 326
Vitamin D, 324–25
Vitamin E, 216, 325
Vitamins. See specific types; Supplements
Waist-hip ratio, 132
Water, 43, 44, 45, 48
acidity of, 45–48, 46
alkalinity of, 45–48, 46, 47, 184, 184
impurities in, 48
infrastructure of, 48
pH levels, 45–48, 46, 47
pollution, 183–85
Weight, 60, 114, 211, 213, 247
Weight loss, 107, 113–15
appetite suppression and, 116
body fat percentage and, 112–13
calorie restriction and, 115–20, 121, 122
carbohydrates and, 58
inflammation prevention, 167
life expectancy and, 107
metabolic rate and, 115
nanobots and, 108
optimal weight range, 109, 110
program, implementing, 108–11
target calorie level, determining, 109, 111, 111
in type 2 diabetes prevention, 134
yo-yo dieting and, 107
Weight training tips, 351
Wheat, 97
Wheat protein, 84
Women’s Health Initiative, 295–96, 296
Wrist circumference, assessing, 108
Xenical as fat blocker, 122
Xenoestrogens, 300–302, 332
Yoga, 372
Yo-yo dieting, 107

Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever by Ray Kurzweil and Terry
Grossman M.D. Rodale: 11/2004 ISBN#1-57954-954-3 |