• Taking a supplement or drug is a last
resort. The reality: When our bodies evolved tens of thousands of
years ago, it was in the interest of the species for humans (and
other animals) not to live much beyond their child-rearing days.
Now that we live in an era of abundance rather than scarcity, this
evolutionary program is no longer relevant. We have the means to
dramatically slow down and in many cases halt and reverse degenerative
disease and aging processes, but these require reprogramming your
biochemistry through nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle as well
as taking advantage of supplements and drugs. This process will
become easier with the more powerful Bridge Two and Bridge Three
therapies and interventions being developed, but today it requires
understanding and effort.
• The only things we can count on are death
and taxes. The reality: We’ll leave the issue of taxes for
another book, but the means to extend longevity indefinitely are
in our grasp. Although we do not yet have all the tools we need
to stop and reverse all aging processes, we do have the means right
now to stay in good health and spirits until the full blossoming
of the biotechnology and nanotechnology/artificial intelligence
revolutions, which will indeed provide radical life extension.
Health knowledge is expanding at an accelerating
pace. While this book was being written, dramatic new developments
continued to become available on a weekly basis. We kept reworking
the text to include many of these, but realized that if we kept doing
this, the book would never be finished. So this book is a snapshot
in time. Our primary mission has been not to provide an unchanging
set of rules, but rather to describe an overall attitude and approach
to improving your health, one based on a continued search for insight
in an era of expanding knowledge. This search will indeed be a fantastic
voyage. We hope that you will join us.